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First Meeting of the CEU and University of Vienna Philosophy Departments

Friday, October 4, 2019, 9:30 am – 6:00 pm

In October 2019, CEU opens its campus in Vienna. The purpose of this one-day conference is for the CEU Philosophy Department and the Philosophy Department of the University of Vienna to begin to get to know each other, as the beginning of what we hope to be a long and happy relationship.


9.30 George Karamanolis (Uni Wien) TBC
10.00 Hanoch Ben-Yami (CEU) ‘The Contingency of Origin’

10.30 Coffee/Tea break

11.00 Angela Kallhoff (Uni Wien) TBC
11.30 Ferenc Huoránszki (CEU) ‘Actions without Causes’
12.00 Felix Pinkert (Uni Wien) TBC

12.30 Lunch break

14.00 Kati Farkas (CEU) ‘The Unity of Knowledge’
14.30 Violetta Waibel (Uni Wien) TBC
15.00 David Weberman (CEU) ‘Two Hermeneutic Reasons for Relativism’

15.30 coffee break

16.00 Georg Schiemer (Uni Wien) TBC
16.30 Tim Crane (CEU) ‘What is Psychological Reality?’
17.00 Reception

18.00 End