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Media Freedom in the Third World: A Case Study of Pakistan

CEU Building
Friday, October 4, 2019, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Pakistan has a unique model of freedom and censorship of media. It saw a boom in television journalism right at the beginning of 21st century during a period of dictatorship. But interestingly when there is a democratic government in place, media is complaining of hard censorship. The causes and dynamics are so unique that it interesting to know and compare them with other media environments.

About the speaker:

Haris bin Aziz is a journalism trainer working with the Women Media Center Pakistan for gender equality in media since 2012. He is also a Senior Producer at Geo News, Pakistan’s biggest news TV channel and has worked with several news organizations since 2004. He is pursuing his PhD at the Area Study Centre for Europe, University of Karachi, he was also accepted as Visiting Research Student by King’s College London. Haris has taught International Relations to the graduate students at the University of Karachi and conducted research at the Pakistan Institute of International Affairs and Social Policy and Development Center Karachi. His current project of study at the Center for Media, Data and Society is “Freedom of Expression Debates in Europe and the Muslim World after 9/11.”