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Why Diversity Is Not Enough?

Orsolya Vasarhelyi
Tuesday, October 8, 2019, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

ABSTRACT / Despite improvements, women in STEM are still facing more challenges than their male colleagues: they earn less, have access to less funding, are less likely to be promoted, and their work receives less acknowledgment. These disparities persist, despite evidence that integrated female members increase the overall intelligence of teams and gender-heterogeneous teams are more creative and productive. Recent years' scandals in the tech industry have brought attention to women’s marginalization in STEM. In my talk, I will showcase large-scale data-driven studies from my doctorate research to illustrate that increasing the number of women in itself will not solve the problem. Using examples from open source software engineering, video game development, and scientific collaborations, I will describe why we should not focus only on diversity.

BIO / Orsolya Vasarhelyi is a Ph.D. candidate in Network and Data Science at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Her research focuses on the underlying processes of women's marginalization in technical fields, using big data taken from collaborative platforms. She has had the privilege to participate in fellowships such as the Data Science for Social Good and Bridge Budapest, and she is an active organizer of the Hungarian branch of Women in Data Science Conference