Skip to main content Workshop #04 - DengAI

CEU Nádor st 15
Wednesday, October 9, 2019, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The language of this workshop will be English.

Hi pythonists!

This will be our first ever workshop held at the CEU and in English. Special thanks to Andras Vereckei, who made it possible for us to have this event here! If you are a CEU citizen, please drop us a message after you applied or if have any questions.

We will have wifi, but electrical outlets will be scarce so we kindly ask you to arrive with full batteries for your laptop this time.

This time, Dóri will show us a mini project from driven data, and guide us from data cleaning til submitting a solution to this competition.
This is an intermediate-level practice competition. Your task is to predict the number of dengue cases each week (in each location) based on environmental variables describing changes in temperature, precipitation, vegetation, and more.
You can read more about the dataset and the challenge here:

Our goal is to establish a self-study community where we can improve together our data science related skills, while solving more and more complex Machine learning problems.
These workshops aim to provide the platform for this, the content relies on knowledge transfer among the attendees.
We are open to suggestions, please contact the organizers and tell us about your favorite topics which you would like to present/hear more about!

The workshop starts at 6 p.m. and ends at 8 p.m., please don't be late.

This event is free of charge but due to the limits of the room maximum 60 people can join.

Don't forget to bring with you:
-your laptop with python and jupyter notebook installed on it

- very basic python knowledge (you should be able to download and load data files on your own & you should know what a package is and how to import one)

- your enthusiasm (see above :) )


Summary about the previous workshops:

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