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Missing Maps Mapathon - Mapping for Humanitarian Good

Missing Maps Mapathon
Monday, October 14, 2019, 5:10 pm – 7:00 pm

On 14 of October, to mark the International DRR Day, Syslab of the CEU’s Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy will organize a Missing Maps Mapathon, a crowdsourcing event that will help map the most vulnerable places in the developing world.

A mapathon is a great opportunity for volunteers to digitally connect and map the most vulnerable or already affected places so that local and international Non-Governmental Organizations can use these maps and data to better respond to crises. With the increasing threat of natural disasters, up to date maps are important for the success of many humanitarian organizations around the world in responding to disasters. Through Missing Maps using OpenStreetMap (OSM) platform, anyone can volunteer to help create these maps and have a real impact on the delivery of healthcare in the field. 

The CEU mapathon does not require any mapping experience and is open to students from any department at CEU. Such mapathons are not only a crucial tool for emergency response but also can act as a starting point for learning the foundation of GIS mapping techniques. At the beginning of the event, basic instructions will be given so that any participant can start mapping right away. 

You can find more information about what do we do on a Mapathon here.

So, join us, book your calendar for 14th October and register right away.