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Employment of non-local temporary workers and its impact on local industrial relations in the Hungarian automotive industry

Political Science Department, CEU
Tuesday, October 22, 2019, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Dear All,

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to MiRG’s upcoming meeting

We are delighted to have Olena Fedyuk and Tibor T. Meszmann

present their project

 “Employment of non-local temporary workers and its impact on local industrial relations in the Hungarian automotive industry”

On Tuesday, October 22nd at 5:30 pm on N11 room 004

About the project:

Employment of third country nationals is happening at the intersection of the immigration and employment regimes in the EU. These result in segmented labour markets and employment relations, especially manifest in newly industrialized regions. The project follows the growing practice of recruiting and employing foreign workers, especially Ukrainian and Serbian nationals but also Hungarians from “economically depressed regions,” in the Hungarian automotive plants through temporary work agencies or via temporary contracts.

Building on qualitative methodology our research actively involves trade-unions, experts and workers from Hungary, Ukraine and Serbia to enter a dialogue about the possibility to develop industrial relations at a workplace that would be meaningful and accommodate the interests of many workers in an increasingly fragmented workplace.

The project aims to challenge the migrant vs local worker dichotomy through drawing a more nuanced picture of fragmentations at work. Furthermore, by using the research opportunity the project hopes to rekindle solidarity networks along a more a nuanced map of interests and boost trade union engagement and capacity with mobile temporary workers.

About the speakers:

Olena Fedyuk is a research affiliate at the Center for Policy Studies and an academic visitor at the Department of Work, Employment and Organisation at Strathclyde University. She holds a PhD from the department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at CEU. Her main academic interests include transnational migration, care-work, labor transformations, female employment policies and migration policies. Her dissertation was an ethnography of Ukrainian female migration to Italy and tackled questions of transnational moral economies, distant motherhood and care regimes. Since 2012 Olena directed 2 documentary films; “Road of a migrant” (2015)  and “Olha’s Italian Diary” (2018). Olena’s most recent research brings together migration and industrial relations perspectives by exploring the growing field of temporary work agency in employing third country nationals in the EU. 

Tibor T Meszmann*, PhD, is a researcher, with work experience in local and international projects in the area of industrial and employment relations for 10 years, in Hungary, but also other Central European states, especially Serbia. His broad research guided by transformation of production and its effect on organisations and society, and collective and social regulation of work. Tibor is a researcher at the Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) Bratislava, Slovakia, and member of the Public Sociology Working Group “Helyzet”.

*Tibor will be joining us via Skype. 

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