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Self-presentation of CEU Medieval Studies in Vienna

Tuesday, October 22, 2019, 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm


Chaired by Christina Lutter (University of Vienna)

Commented by Walter Pohl (University of Vienna)


Daniel ZiemannDie Wiener Schule und das frühmittelalterliche Bulgarien

József Laszlovszky and Balázs NagyThe Mongol Invasion in Central-Europe.
A new research project and plans for future co-operation

Gábor Klaniczay – Dominikanerinnen und Stigmaten
(Margarethe und Helena von Ungarn und Katharina von Siena)

Carsten Wilke Mittelalterliche jüdische Inschriften aus Buda und Wien

Katalin Szende Mittelalterliche Topographie von Wien und Ofen:
Machtpositionen und Ordnungen

Günhan Borecki – Connecting Hungarian, Habsburg, and Ottoman Histories
(16th-17th centuries)




Cristian-Nicolae Gaşpar – Language and society in transition:
Varieties of Latin in Late Antiquity

Volker Menze – Die Spätantike in Budapest

György Geréby – Politische Theologie im frühen Christentum

István Perczel - Jesuit erudition in the service of the South Indian mission:
The evidence of newly discovered Syriac and Malayalam manuscripts

Marcell Sebők – The first Head Librarian of the Imperial Library in Vienna:
Hugo Blotius and his Central European friends

Alice Choyke – Multidisciplinary approaches to medieval Animal Studies:
The Medieval Animal Data-network (MAD).


Vienna-based students, PhD students and alumni of the Department will be present

Reception to follow