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DeStress Season at CEU 2019

Social Event
DeStress Season
Monday, November 4, 2019, 6:00 pm – Friday, November 15, 2019, 11:30 pm

DeStress Season 2019 Program

Date: Monday, November 4

Time: 6 pm
Venue: Okt 6/7 Oktober Hall
“Si-Sa-Su, atmosphere-groove, word improvisations. You will get to know these games by taking part in these playful vocal workshops. We’ll play with sounds and movements, learn songs from all around the world, we’ll improvise, release inhibitions and give space to our creativity through sounds. The first two will be held by Fanni Eckhardt and Zsófi Remes, members of Soharóza experimental choir. Hilda Pieterson will join them to the third workshop and bring some Ghanaian tunes and rhythms.There’s no need for any prior musical training to take part in the workshop, everyone is very welcome! (The workshop is held in English.)
Take a peek on what we do:

Date: Tuesday, November 5

Time: 9:20-10:20 am
Venue: QS-B002
Karma Yoga meditation is an effective tool to restore and enhance the body’s energy circulation, release stress and resolve mental blocks while it also greatly facilities creativity and intuition by synchronizing the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This informal, guided session improves both focus and the ability to relax, and also provide an opportunity to explore alternative ways of knowing, sensing and sense-making. Academic and professional benefits of the method include overcoming writer’s block and procrastination, optimizing time-management, finding creative solutions and new ways to think 'outside the box.

Date: Thursday, November 7

Time: 5:20-6:20 pm
Venue: N13 #606
Karma Yoga meditation is an effective tool to restore and enhance the body’s energy circulation, release stress and resolve mental blocks while it also greatly facilities creativity
and intuition by synchronizing the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This informal, guided session improves both focus and the ability to relax, and also provide an opportunity to explore alternative ways of knowing, sensing and sense-making. Academic and professional benefits of the method include overcoming writer’s block and procrastination, optimizing time-management, finding creative solutions and new ways to think 'outside the box.

Time: 8-10 pm
Venue: Momentán Társulat, 1066 Budapest, Ó utca 4.
Tickets: 2000 HUF, on the spot with a CEU student ID
Ticket reservation: Júlia Kupa <>
Have you heard? A Bulgarian, a Dane, a Finn, a Lithuaninan and a Slovanien walk into a bar. Nope, it’s not a joke, but a wonderful and unique international improvisation show that will take place in Budapest, on the 7th of November. Community is a performance devised within the international project Our Lives, a project running from 2017 till 2019 dealing with the topic of lives and ways of living within Europe through artistic means of theatre improvisation. It is a stage piece that involves artists from 5 different European countries,
performers from different cultural, economic and political environments, also with different political standpoints.

Date: Monday, November 11

Time: 6 pm
Venue: N15 Auditorium B
Hungarian Language event.
A színdarabot Dr. Henry Cloud-Dr. John Townsend: “Határaink” című könyve ihlette, továbbá az élet. Meddig? Avagy mire mondunk igent vagy nemet. Gyere és vegyél részt velünk egy vidám színházi, önismereti utazáson. Kapcsolataink, akár munkahelyi, házastársi, baráti, mind-mind döntések sorozata elé állít bennünket.
Legyen az egy egyszerű program kiválasztása, vagy egy konfliktushelyzet. Mindig, minden helyzetben lehetőségünk van igennel vagy nemmel válaszolni. De miért olyan nehéz ez bizonyos esetekben? Érzékeljük, ha átlépi valaki azt a bizonyos határt? Észrevesszük, tudjuk, hogy nekünk hol van az a határ?
Önismeret, Paródia, Zene, Tánc.
Szereplők: Kovács Andrea, Molnár- Kovács Éva; Videón közreműködik: Kókai János; Írta: Molnár-Kovács Éva és Kovács Andrea; Rendezte: Molnár-Kovács Éva

Date: Tuesday, November 12

Time: 9:20-10:20 am
Venue: QS-B215
Karma Yoga meditation is an effective tool to restore and enhance the body’s energy circulation, release stress and resolve mental blocks while it also greatly facilities creativity and intuition by synchronizing the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This informal, guided session improves both focus and the ability to relax, and also provide an opportunity to explore alternative ways of knowing, sensing and sense-making. Academic and professional benefits of the method include overcoming writer’s block and procrastination, optimizing time-management, finding creative solutions and new ways to think 'outside the box.

Time: 12.45-14:15 pm
Venue: QS A-214
Sign up:
This workshop uses mindfulness techniques and contemplative pedagogy to explore writing not only as an academic skill
but also as a source of creative expression and communication. With the help of short meditation and writing exercises we become more aware of the writing process and discover how we can use writing in a less stressful, more imaginative and personal manner.

Date: Tuesday, November 12

Time: 6 pm
Venue: N15 Auditorium A
Watch your friends sing, dance, act, play instruments! Let’s clap our hands together at the Open Mic show.
The event is open to the CEU community and their invited guests.
Please present your CEU ID card at the entrance.

Date: Wednesday, November 13

Time: 11 am-2 pm
Venue: N13 Lobby
Meet CEU’s special guests and de-stress with fur therapy.
Labrador or Golden retrievers with their kind nature, attention and will for pleasing people will bring you happiness in every minute.


Time: 2 pm- 3.30 pm
Venue: N13 #303
How can you get a good sleep? Can you fall asleep easily? Can you sleep through the night? Do you have nightmares?
Or, are you just losing some of your sleep? The workshop will lead you through a series of practices to make sure you wake up feeling energetic and ready for the day ahead.

Date: Thursday, November 14

Time: 1 pm
Venue: Blockfabrik
How much? 7 € entry + 3 € shoe rental
Please register at by November 11.

Date: Friday, November 15

Time: 6 pm-11:30 pm
Venue: QS-Auditorium
The Dean of Students and the Vienna Student Center is happy to extend an invitation to the Official After-Party of the inauguration event of the CEU Vienna Campus. Expect: great music, drinks and good vibes. Bring: your congeniality, best jokes, brightest smiles and your CEU ID card!