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Global Food Security Challenges:  Opportunities and Threats

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Friday, November 8, 2019, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

You are cordially invited to a public lecture and discussion by the
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy on:

Global Food Security Challenges: 
Opportunities and Threats


William H. Meyers

Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Applied Economics 

Food & Agricultural Policy Research Institute
University of Missouri

Introduction and discussion lead: 
Prof. Ruben Mnatsakanian, Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy 


Friday, November 8, 2019 at 15:30
Budapest, Nádor utca 15, Room 104 


Abstract: The last decade has seen a major food price spike and global food security crisis as well as unprecedented growth in production and trade accompanied by falling prices and farm income woes. Agriculture and food markets continue to reveal both opportunities and threats for producers and consumers. A review of the last decade’s boom and bust in agricultural markets reveals major factors driving these changes and suggests global drivers in the near-term market outlook. The perspective for long term food security has a different set of challenges, opportunities and threats. These are discussed in the context of FAO’s new measure of food security based on the “Voices of the Hungary Project” and the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES). The long-term challenges appear more related to access and affordability then to production growth.

William H. Meyers is currently Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Applied Economics at University of Missouri, Professor Emeritus of Economics at Iowa State University and Senior Fellow, and National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy. Areas of teaching and research are trade, agricultural and rural policy, food security, transition economics and EU policies and institutions. Other professional positions have been at USDA, Iowa State University, World Bank, FAO, Christian Albrechts University-Keil, Open University of Catalonia, and University of Bologna.