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The Boundaries of Mind

ceu vienna
Wednesday, November 13, 2019, 1:00 pm – Thursday, November 14, 2019, 5:00 pm


Much recent thinking about the mind and the brain in psychology, philosophy and neuroscience has been preoccupied with questions about boundaries — including those between mind and world, between individual agents, between mind and the rest of the body, between the neural and the psychological, and between different mental capacities (sensation and cognition, perception and action etc.). This interdisciplinary workshop will address some questions about the boundaries of the mind from the perspective of different disciplines, in the hope of obtaining a richer picture of the mind and its complexity. 

Wednesday 13th November 2019

13.00     Introduction
13.15     Tim Crane (Central European University) :The boundary between the conscious and the unconscious

14.30 coffee

15.00     Barry C Smith (University of London): The boundaries of the senses

16.15 coffee

16.45     Giandomenico Iannetti (University College London/Italian Institute of Technology): Is there a boundary of peripersonal space?

18.00     Finish

Thursday 14th November 2019

9.00       Alexandria Boyle (University of Cambridge): The boundaries of memory

10.15 coffee

10.45     Katalin Farkas (Central European University): Embodied mind, extended mind

12.00 lunch

13.30    Sarah Garfinkel (University of Sussex): Breaking the boundaries between hearts and minds

14.45 coffee

15.15     Alva Noë (University of California at Berkeley): Presence and entanglement

16.45     Finish