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Careers in Arts and Culture

Panel Discussion
Arts image
Thursday, November 21, 2019, 5:45 pm – 6:45 pm

Join us for a panel discussion about pursuing a career in the field of arts and culture. You will hear from several professionals currently working in a variety of fields and positions within the arts and culture sector, such as cultural diplomacy, museums, independent curating and publishing. Our speakers will share information about their own career paths and provide advice for CEU students interested in this career area.

The panel discussion will take place in Vienna from 5:45-6:45pm in room QS C-210. An informal reception will follow until approximately 7:15pm.

The panel discussion will be live streamed to Budapest room N15 203.  

Please register in advance!

Below you will find more information about the panelists.

Márton Méhes works as an international cultural manager based in Vienna, Austria where his main fields are cultural diplomacy in practice, European Capitals of Culture (ECoC) and cultural cooperation in the Danube area. From 2015-18 he supported the development of ECoC candidate cities of Novi Sad, Serbia and Debrecen, Hungary; and currently he advises the Slovenian candidate city Piran. He previously served as the director of the Hungarian Cultural Institute (Collegium Hungaricum Wien) for five years, and has worked in cultural diplomacy and management in Berlin, Pécs, and Budapest.

Markus Wiesenhofer is a marketing and communication expert based in Vienna where he currently works as the Head of Marketing at the Austrian Gallery Belvedere. Additionally, he is a lecturer for Cultural Tourism for FH Wien and other university programs in Austria. He previously worked as an Assistant of the CEO of Schönbrunn Palace and was the Tourism Manager at the Liechtenstein Museum in Vienna. He also held positions at the National Tourist Office of Austria (ANTO).

Katalin Erdődi is a curator, dramaturge and researcher active in the fields of contemporary art and performance. Her practice focuses on cross-disciplinary collaboration, politically engaged artistic and curatorial strategies, experimental performance, and art in public space. Since 2004 she has worked as a curator for leading art institutions and festivals, such as brut/imagetanz festival (Vienna), GfZK - Museum of Contemporary Art (Leipzig), Ludwig Museum (Budapest) and Trafó House of Contemporary Arts (Budapest). She is currently working as a curator for independent performing arts (theatre, dance, performance) for the cultural department of the City of Vienna, and since 2016 she has been working on a PhD-in-Practice in Curating, focusing on collaboration-based artistic and curatorial strategies in post-socialist rural spaces.

Lisa Bolyos  has been an editor and journalist at the Vienna street paper Augustin since 2012, focusing on poverty and wealth, housing, labor, and climate change. She is also a freelancer at various newspapers and magazines (feminist magazine an.schlägeMissy Magazinedérive – Zeitung für Stadtforschung, etc.). She holds a master of fine arts as well as a master of agronomy. 


If you plan to attend this event, REGISTER HERE.


About the “CAREERS IN…” event series: Aimed at introducing different professional areas and related job opportunities, the “Careers in…” programs will be held in colorful formats throughout the year.