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Is scientific freedom in jeopardy in Europe?

CEU Nador utca 15
Thursday, November 21, 2019, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

The Hungarian Academy Staff Forum, the Central European University, and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Budapest cordially invite you to the event

Is scientific freedom in jeopardy in Europe?

Our event reflects on the recent developments of the academic sphere in Hungary and Europe. Hungary, which hosts the World Science Forum these days in Budapest, provides one of the best examples of how academic freedom can be hindered by relatively soft governmental measures. In July 2019 the Parliament adopted a Bill that placed the research network of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences under governmental control. The Central European University had been administratively forced out from Budapest. The Hungarian Government lately revoked the right of universities to issue Hungarian diplomas in gender studies. We aim to discuss the chances of independent scholarship in Europe, the region and Hungary.

Liviu Matei ▶ Provost of CEU, Professor of Higher Education Policy
Volker ter Meulen ▶ President of the InterAcademy Partnership and former President of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Márton Zászkaliczky ▶ Junior Research Fellow, Centre for Humanities ▶ member of board of the Hungarian Academy Staff Forum

Roundtable discussion
Péter Ákos Bod ▶ Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest ▶ former Member of Parliament ▶ former President, Hungarian National Bank
Christiane Diehl ▶ Deputy Head of Department of International Relations, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina ▶ Executive Director of the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council
Éva Fodor ▶ Associate Professor of Gender Studies, CEU ▶ Pro-Rector for the Social Sciences and Humanities
Katalin Kamarás ▶ Research Professor, Wigner Research Centre for Physics ▶ Member of the Hungarian Academy of
István Kenesei ▶ former head of the Research Institute of Linguistics, HAS ▶ Professor Emeritus ▶ Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Academia Europaea
Moderator: Emese Szilágyi ▶ Junior Research Fellow, Centre for Social Sciences ▶ vice-president of the Hungarian
Academy Staff Forum