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After One Hundred Years – Trianon. Slam Academy IV.

Social Event
Trianon. Slam Academy IV.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

The Slam Academy on Trianon is connected with the Trianon course of the CEU Bibó István Szabadegyetem aiming to contribute to a complex, regional dialogue on the Trianon Treaty, before its 100th anniversary. This Hungarian language event will be followed by an event in English, together with Romanian, Serbian and Slovakian participants in the first months of 2020. All are welcome to this free event, please invite others also via the Facebook event:

As an introduction, Peter Molnar, the founder of Slam Academy, European Slam Poetry Champion will ask Zsolt Enyedi (Deputy Rector and Professor, Department of Political Science, CEU), Andrea Tompa (CEU Institute of Advanced Study) and Victor Karády (Professor, Department of History, CEU). Then Flóra Lénárt, Péter Maier, Péter Molnár, István Pion, Richárd Sárközi (the current slam poetry champion of Hungary) and Fanni Szegedi will perform 1-1 slam, each in about 3 minutes, followed by a question from each slammer to the other participants. In the end, the evolving conversation will include questions and comments from the audience.

The map in the event picture – which was edited by Tibor Elekes, based on the data provided by Csaba T. Reisz -, shows the cities the herald of which are in the glass windows of the Hungarian National Archive, made by Miksa Róth.

The Slam Academy events combine slam poetry performances with discussion of burning questions, bring together performers and researchers, art and science, with impartial courage of thought that questions the truth also in our own thoughts.

[1]The artistical genre of slam poetry (started in Chicago in 1986) is an embodiment of freedom of speech, an open platform where slammers perform their own words to reflect and self-reflect on sensitive questions, in poems, prose, or any other way of speaking to a microphone for about 3 minutes.