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"Struggle! Negotiating gender in the Dutch centenary of universal suffrage and the Making of a Women's Suffrage Exhibition"

Schwimmer-lloyd Collection, New York
Wednesday, January 15, 2020, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

In the lecture Mineke Bosch discusses the struggles and strategies in relation to the celebration of the Dutch (women's) suffrage centenary. She will explain the several levels of 'forgetting' about Dutch women's suffrage, the transnational context of the Dutch suffrage centenary, and the way in which she tried to 'uncover' the story of Dutch women's suffrage with the help of telling, sometimes 'rebellious' objects, such as home-made banners and pictures from the Schwimmer-Lloyd Collection in New York.


Mineke Bosch is Professor of Modern History at the Department of History in the Faculty of Arts at University Groningen. She is specialised in gender history, the history of science, the (international) suffrage movement, (auto)biography and life writing, and published a lot nationally and internationally on all these subjects. Her last book was on the women's suffrage movement in the Netherlands (2019), in 2005 she published a biography of Aletta Jacobs. She is a member of the editorial team of L'Homme and supervises a great number of gender history PhD theses.