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Who is afraid of identity politics? Lessons from Romani activism

Thursday, January 23, 2020, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

The Romani Studies Program and the Department of Political Science

cordially invites you to a roundtable discussion on


Who is afraid of identity politics? Lessons from Romani activism



The Romani Studies Program at Central European University is pleased to invite you to a series of roundtable discussions to promote critical approaches to analyze the situation of Roma. Roma have been an object of academic and policy inquiry for centuries; however, until recently, due to structural discrimination, few Romani people have been allowed to shape the discourses on themselves. The establishment of the Romani Studies Program at CEU represents a turning point in this academic environment by applying a broader definition of scholarship and knowledge production and involving activist-scholars. In the framework of the discussion series, past and present fellows of CEU’s Romani Studies Program present and discuss their pioneering work on the oppression, resistance and emancipation of Romani people. These discussions propose inquiries into the forms of racialization of Roma and the mechanisms and impact of racism and structural discrimination on Roma and Romani identity.


Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka (European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture)

Ciprian Cătălin Necula (Aresel Movement)

Ismael Cortés (Podemos, Member of the Spanish Parliament)



Discussant: Zsolt Enyedi (Professor of Political Science, CEU)

Chair: Angéla Kóczé (Acting Chair of Romani Studies Program, CEU)


23 January 2019 3:30 PM

Central European University, Nádor utca 15. Room 103