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Alumni get-together in Munich with the EMBA Program

Meet Up
Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The CEU Executive MBA program co-director Maciej Kisilowski and Senior Program Manager Thomas Lammel will host an alumni get-together in Munich at Osteria München Am Gasteig (Innere Wiener Strasse 2, 81667 Munich). 

Come to connect with your fellow alumni in the area and learn about the opportunities provided by the new EMBA program at your alma mater. Your first drink is on CEU!

Please RSVP by email by Monday, January 27th (with "Munich EMBA event" in the subject line). 

CEU EMBA will also be represented at the Access MBA fair in Munich later on January 30th. To learn more about the fair and to attend, please visit the website.