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Challenges to Ethical Living

Budapest Campus
Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 12:30 am – 6:00 pm

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) located in Vienna has developed the Education for Justice (E4J) initiative, seeking to prevent crime and promote a culture of lawfulness through education activities designed for primary, secondary and tertiary levels. These activities help educators teach the next generation to better understand and address problems that can undermine the rule of law and encourage students to actively engage in their communities and future professions in this regard.

Through the E4J initiative, the UNODC has developed a series of university modules and other tools to assist academics teaching on some of today's most crucial threats. Specifically, E4J aims to support tertiary level educators and academics in their efforts to transmit knowledge and create a deeper understanding of rule of law related issues, with a focus on the subject areas of crime prevention and criminal justice, anti-corruption, organized crime, trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants, firearms, cybercrime, wildlife, forest and fisheries crime, counter-terrorism as well as integrity and ethics. More than 600 academics and national experts from more than 550 universities and 114 countries contributed to the development of the university module series and participated in related activities. The university modules are designed for free use as a stand-alone teaching resources, or as a means of enhancing existing courses in criminology, law, political science, international relations, business, sociology, and many other disciplines.

The Center for Integrity in Business and Government in cooperation with UNODC has agreed to champion the localization of one of the learning modules in the field of Integrity and Ethics. The represented module is Module 6: Challenges to Ethical Living.

The Module seeks to help students understand some of the psychological mechanisms that can lead one towards unethical behaviour in certain circumstances. By discussing several well-known psychological experiments, the Module highlights certain basic human features which, while often working in our favour, can sometimes lead us to act unethically. The Module seeks to motivate students to take responsibility for their lives by avoiding common pitfalls that can impair their ability to act ethically. For the purposes of this Module, taking responsibility for ethical behaviour in our lives means strengthening our self-control 'muscle' and learning how to avoid situations that may lead us to do things that we would later regret. The experiments discussed in the Module were chosen because of their pedagogical value, the issues they highlight, their relevance to the lives of students, and the diversity of useful available.

CIBG has agreed to help localize this module in the institutional, social and cultural settings of Eastern Europe. In order to achieve this goal, CIBG will host a one working-day conference in which students, professors, and practitioners will participate.

Event description

The event will consist of a number of steps, first, participants will be asked to fill in a short survey on their knowledge of the ethical issues to be taught and to ethics education in general.

In the following step, a member of the UNODC team from Vienna introduced the general framework of E4J. Afterward, two guest speakers will share knowledge of the content of the validated module: one business executive and a professional from public administration. The two guests will give a brief presentation of their work environment related to ethics. They will be part of an evaluation panel (together with three university professors who teach ethics related topics (from philosophy, business and legal studies). The specific parts of the module will be introduced, focusing on the teaching material, methodology, and the interactive content.

During the day an abridged version of the course will be taught into 4 sessions, followed by a simulation game developed by CIBG on the challenges of business ethics in Eastern Europe. Finally, the panel of specialists (executives and academics) will evaluate the results of the simulation game participating teams and the module. The winning team will receive a final price.

Central European University, Department of Economics and Business
Center for Integrity in Business and Government


Welcomes you to the event

Challenges to Ethical Living

Workshop and Teaching Simulation

Central European University

Quantum Room (101) Nador Utca 15, 1051 Budapest

February 18, 2020


Stemming from the presentation and localization of Module 6 of the UNODC Education for Justice project “Ethics and Integrity”, this event brings together students, scholars and professionals in the field of social ethics to debate and reflect on the challenges and opportunities of teaching ethics and integrity in graduate education. 

The event program includes:

  • Greetings and introductory remarks (Davide Torsello, Director Center for Integrity in Business and Government, CEU)
  • Introduction to E4J, Sigall Horovitz, Alex Petkov (UNODC, Vienna)
  • Introduction to Module 6 “Challenges to Ethical Living”, Pedro Tabensky, Rhodes University, South Africa
  • PhD Students’ Panel (led: Eszter Fabricki)
  • Simulation game (led: Pardeep Singh Attri)
  • Discussion (Gorana Misic, CEU)
  • Concluding remarks

More information forthcoming on this site. For further details please email Prof. Davide Torsello.