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LGBTQ History Month| Film Screening + Discussion: The Queen Of Ireland

Film Screening
Film Screening Feb 26
Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm


CEU Human RightS Initiative in collaboration with Amnesty International Hungary and the Embassy of Ireland, Hungary and proudly invites you to a screening of the documentary 'The Queen of Ireland' and the following discussion with the star of the movie, Rory O'Neill AKA Panti Bliss about the road to marriage equality in Ireland, equal rights and homophobia.


Moderator: Zsófia Bán (writer, critic, associate professor at ELTE School of English and American Studies)

The event is part of the Hungarian LGBT History Month.

Venue: Central European University, Auditorium B., 15 Nádor utca, Budapest 1051

The Queen of Ireland (2015), 1h 26 min, director: Conor Horgan

A documentary that follows drag queen Panti Bliss: part glamorous aunt, part Jessica Rabbit, she's a wittily incisive performer with charisma to burn who is widely regarded as one of the best drag queens in the world. Created by Rory O'Neill, Panti is also an accidental activist and in her own words 'a court jester, whose role is to say the un-sayable'. In recent years, Rory has become a figurehead for LGBT rights in Ireland and since the 2014 scandal around Pantigate, his fight for equality and against homophobia has become recognised across the world.

Promotional Video