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The Canvas of the Other: Alienation through Roma Representation

Édouard Manet : Gypsy with a Cigarette (1862)
Thursday, February 27, 2020, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

The Romani Studies Program and the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology

cordially invites you to a round-table discussion on


The Canvas of the Other: Alienation through Roma Representation   

“I came into this world anxious to uncover the meaning of things, my soul desirous to be at the origin of the world, and here I am an object among other objects” – noted Fanon in Black Skin, White Masks.  How could the representation of oppressed minorities in general, and Romani people in particular, be decolonized? How are the changing perceptions of the boundaries between Romani and non-Romani identities reflected in art and media? How could inclusive post-colonial and post-socialist identities emerge? What role could Romani producers and filmmakers play?  What are the opportunities and challenges of social media?


 Katalin Bársony (Romedia Foundation)

Mária Bogdán (Heidelberg University, former fellow of the Romani Studies Program)

Árpád Bak (former fellow of the Romani Studies Program)


Discussant: Jekatyerina Dunajeva (Pázmány Péter Catholic University)

Chair: Burcu Kisac (MA student, CEU, alumna of the Roma Graduate Preparation Program)


27 February 2020 4:30 PM

Central European University, Nádor utca 15. Room 103.




Registration by the 24th of February:


Online streaming at:

Facebook event:

Cover image> Édouard Manet : Gypsy with a Cigarette (1862)