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Earth Observations in Support of Disaster Risk Reduction

Friday, February 28, 2020, 1:30 pm – 3:10 pm

Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy and Systems Laboratory cordially invite you to the next talk in

Open Lecture Series on Disaster Management by

Douglas Cripe

Group on Earth Observations Secretariat

Earth Observations in Support of Disaster Risk Reduction


NADOR 15, ROOM 103

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is an intergovernmental organization working to improve the availability, access and use of Earth observations for the benefit of society. GEO works to actively improve and coordinate global EO systems and promote broad, open data sharing. GEO's Fifteenth Plenary Meeting featured a keynote presentation by Mami Mizutori, the UN’s Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR). A theme running through the speech was that geospatial information and Earth Observations (EO) are essential to disaster risk reduction. Three specific areas that were called into focus as being essential for UNISDR and for the reduction of disaster risk:

  1. The identification of priorities for national action.
  2. Integrating the methods where EO can be used to monitor and implement these priorities.
  3. That EO data is part and parcel of building collaboration towards a global risk assessment framework.

Additionally, the important role of the International Charter, both during and after a disaster event has occurred, was reaffirmed by GEO Members. However, access to the highest-quality data is only available during the response and immediate recovery phase, and GEO is exploring options on how resources within the GEO Community can be leveraged to make sure that access to data and information about disaster is available during all phases of the DRM cycle.

Douglas Cripe is an expert on health, water, ocean and science and technology at the intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Secretariat, Geneva. Before joining the GEO, Dr. Cripe was a Senior Scientist at the Institute for Environmental Sciences (ISE) at the University of Geneva; has served as assistant editor for the Environmental Science & Policy Journal (Elsevier); served as the coordinator for the climate module of the Environmental Diplomacy course offered jointly with UNEP and the Graduate Institute of Geneva; and worked several years as a Research Associate in climate modeling at Colorado State University.

All students, faculty and staff members are welcome to attend!

Systems Laboratory and Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy organize a series of open lectures on Disaster Management and Risk Reduction at CEU. The lectures are conducted by practitioners from relevant organizations worldwide: UN agencies, national ministries, international NGOs, etc. Find out more about the Open Lecture Series on Disaster Management