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The Vagina Monologues-HRSI

Vagina Monologues Event Details
Friday, February 28, 2020, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

The Human RightS Initiative proudly invites you to CEU's annual production of THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES, the award winning play of Eve Ensler.

The performance is based on interviews with over 200 women and reflects on our societies with humor, grace and irony and celebrates women's sexuality and strength.
It will take place on Friday, February 28, 7PM in N15 Auditorium and will be staged at CEU.

To get your ticket, stop by our info-table between February 10-27, from 12 pm to 1 pm, in Nador 15 ground floor in front of Estratto Cafe. You can also reserve your ticket via e-mail ( or via Facebook and get it from our office. We are located in Nador 11, 4th floor, passage room 416.

The performance is open to anyone outside of CEU as well, so please feel free to invite your family and friends too.

All donations connected to the event go directly to NANE Women's Rights Association, a local NGO that addresses mainly the issue of domestic violence.