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Artist Talk - Portrait of my Grandmother

Panel Discussion
Anna Tereshkina
Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 7:00 pm

Department of Gender Studies with support from Department of History and Center for Arts and Culture proudly invites CEU and Budapest community to the artist talk of a Siberian-based-in-St.Petersburg feminist artist Anna Tereshkina.


Anna will talk about her practice in three artistic and curatorial collaborations:

Nasreddin in Russia. A newspaper made by artists and labour migrants from Central Asia. Nasreddin searches for trickster circumstances and situations in migrants' life and describes it using formula humour is the best weapon”. Team: Olga Jitlina, Zarnigor Omonillaeva, Ilkhomzhan Abdukakharov, Chingiz Aidarov, Bermet Borubaeva, and others.

Shvemy Sewing Coop is a group of artists and activists from Ukraine (Mariia Lukjanova and Tonya Melnik) and Russia (Olesya Panova and Anna Tereshkina) who work in the field of labour rights and conditions of garment industry. The Coop makes actions and performances questioning our clothes, ecology, work and rest time, using textile as a medium.

Egorka communal gallery is a project of co-living and co-curatorship (with Anastasia Makarenko). It explores borders and care practice of organisers and guests. Egorka is a place for solo, duo, and group exhibitions, zine presentations, support groups for artists, and other events functioning on donations and without any institutional support.


Biography of the artist:

Anna Tereshkina. Born in Omsk, Siberia, 1986.

Artist, curator, feminist.

Anna lives and works in St.Petersburg, Russia. She studied at School for Engaged Art (2014) and at Faculty of Arts in Omsk State Pedagogical University (2008).

Anna works in different media: drawing, collage, artist book, video and audio. She works as an illustrator in collaborations with her friends. Collectivity and cooperation in various fields are very important for Anna, it makes her work multidisciplinary, but also less visible and more vulnerable.

She is a member of musical collectives: Krasnye Zori (Red Dawns), Devichja Familia Vashej Materi (Your Mother's Maiden Name)

an illustrator at Nasreddin in Russia project (together with Olga Zhitlina)

a member of Shvemy Sewing Coop

and a curator at Egorka Communal Gallery


The exhibition & events around Annas exposition Portrait of my Grandmother will start March 6th and take place until March 20th. For more information, please follow the event on Facebook


Opening — March 5th at 17.30, Lower Foyer at CEU, Nádor utca 15.

Curator Asya Khodyreva, MA Gender Studies.


The venue is wheel-chair accessible. If you require assistance, please contact the organiser here