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Exhibition Opening - Portrait of my Grandmother

Thursday, March 5, 2020, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Portrait of my Grandmother is an artistic study of the 1930-1950s in the Soviet Union told via a personal story of a woman, artist's grandmother Anna Ivanovna Pahkova, who lived through the war, evacuation, famine, and their aftermath.

The exhibition is dedicated to the celebration of the International Women's Day and will be supported by a series of events. Stay tuned.

The exposition will be open March 6-20, 2020
For general public: 8.00 to 20.00
For CEU ID-card holders: 7.00 to midnight

Everyone is welcome to the opening & reception: March 5th, 17.30
Venue: CEU, Nádor utca, 15, Lower Foyer

The venue is wheel-chair accessible. If you require assistance, please contact, and I'll do my best to accommodate it.
Languages of the exposition: Hungarian, Russian, and English
Language of events: English

Department of Gender Studies with support from the Department of History and Center for Arts and Culture.
Curator: Ася Ходырева (Asya Khodyreva)