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Live Chat with IBM (REMOTE)

Employer Event
Employer Chats
Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 12:45 pm – 1:30 pm

This event is part of the Employer Live Chat series with Budapest-based global employers, a series of remote career events piloted by the Career Services Office in April 2020. 

International Business Machines (IBM) is a global technology company that provides hardware, software, cloud-based services and cognitive computing. In 2004, IBM opened its International Shared Service Center (ISSC) in Budapest.

Join our live chat - a semi-structured interview moderated by the Career Services Office - on April 7th with IBM's Talent Acquisition Team. We will interview them about IBM's hiring needs and practices, open positions, the company culture and more.

Participants can actively engage in the conversation in two ways:

1)    You can send your questions in advance through the registration form; we will include as many of these questions as possible in the interview
2)    You can ask your questions on the spot through the written chat option in Zoom

This event can be attended only via Zoom (you will receive a link after you register). We will record the session and share the video on our social media platforms. Please note that the interactive element of this event is only available to those who attend the live chat. We greatly appreciate if you register in advance!

We also invite you to register for the live chats with TransferWise on Wednesday, April 8th (12:45-13:30) and with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations on Thursday, April 9th (12:45-13:30).

Promotional Video