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Relevance of Historic climate neutral-Quarter: Otto-Wagner-Areal case study

Panel Discussion
Kirche am Steinhof, Wien
Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm


Abstract: Improving the energy performance of historic buildings without damaging its cultural heritage possess several challenges such as cultural, social, economic, and technical. However, the current report of IPCC published in 2018 has shown that immediate mitigation actions are required in order to keep the global temperature within  1.5 degrees. Therefore, energy demand by the buildings even by the historic buildings should be reduced significantly. Hence, this study takes the Otto-Wagner-Areal as a case study to show how historic buildings can contribute to the mitigation of climate change without losing their cultural heritage. Otto-Wagner-Areal offers a unique opportunity to preserve its cultural heritage and simultaneously, set a future-fit standard for the coming hundred years, as well as increase its user comfort and value. The result of the exploratory study shows a clear guideline to establish an economic implementation of the “Historic climate neutral-Quarter for the entire monumental protected Otto-Wagner-Areal”. Due to its unique Art Nouveau jewel, this project will be a pioneering holistic renovation of a historic district into a climate neutral district of historic magnitude.


Diana Ürge-Vorsatz

Diana Ürge-Vorsatz is a Professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy at the Central European University (CEU) and also she serves as Vice Chair of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). She served on the United Nation’s Scientific Expert Group on Climate Change, and led the buildings-related work in the Global Energy Assessment.


Klemens Schlögl joined the Austrian research and building physics office Schöberl & Pöll GmbH in 2013. The company is one of the world’s leading passive house and plus-energy pioneers and has implemented many flagship projects. He has worked on many deep-retrofits and highly-energy-efficient buildings, such as the plus-energy-retrofit of TU Getreidemarkt, which has become the world’s first plus-energy-high-rise office tower.

Karin Stieldorf

Karin Stieldorf holds master and doctoral degrees from the Vienna University of Technology (VUT) in architecture and building science and is working as an associate professor at VUT. Her research projects and publications have focused on holistic design methods in architecture, based on building physics & building ecology and using building simulation systems as design-decision support. She founded the “Sustainable Building and Design Working Group” at VUT and runs her own office for energy-efficient building and design. She is Executive Board Member of IG Innovative Houses, member of several committees of the Austrian Standards Institute and gained several awards such as  the Golden “Ehrenzeichen” of the State of Austria 2015, the Energy Efficiency Award 2009 for her own house in Vienna, the Prize of the State of Austria (Staatspreis) 2006 for excellent sustainable architecture.

Ing. Günter Lang

Günter Lang works as a Manager of the  LANG consulting and he is a renowned  Passive House expert.


For joining the online event please contact Souran Chatterjee, Postdoctoral Fellow at