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POSTPONED: Ancient Philosophy and its Modern Appropriations

Józef Simmler, 185
Friday, May 22, 2020, 10:00 am – Saturday, May 23, 2020, 6:00 pm


Due to the ongoing Covid-19 emergency the conference is postponed, and will be rescheduled for some time next academic year. The new date of the conference, with a new Call for Abstracts will be issued later this year.

Ancient philosophers, through their incessant debates and discussions, produced a vast array of highly complex competing conceptions about the nature of reality, and its fundamental constituents. These debates produced scientific, metaphysical ethical and political theories which are highly interesting in their own right, but also in the way they set the frame for later discussions and provide the starting points of competing conceptual frameworks for later developments.


In our International Conference we invite participants to explore this fascinating field: ancient Philosophy and the dynamic exchanges of ancient philosophers on these topics, as well as the impact of those discussions and theories on modern and contemporary philosophical debates.


Organizing Committee


István Bodnár (Central European University)

Rosamaria Romanelli (Central European University)

Nevim Borçin (Central European University)