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Online Workshop Part 2 - Basics of Participatory Action Research

Workshop on Basics of Participatory Action Research
Saturday, May 23, 2020, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

This two part online workshop provides an opportunity for the participants to get to know the basics of participatory action research (PAR). By using non-formal educational methods, we will discuss both the theoretical background and the practical aspects of this method, and see real-life examples how it can be used to solve social problems or to empower members of vulnerable social groups to recognize the structural reasons of oppression and stand up for their rights.
This workshop is for you, if:
• you would like to know how community-based research works
• you are interested in conducting research projects that can create real social change
• you are curious how people who never had the chance to attend university can become researchers

Main objectives
• Introduction to the theoretical framework of participatory action research (PAR)
• Learn about PAR-projects conducted by the School of Public Life
• Demonstrate the connection between research and activism
• Discussion of the practical aspects of PAR-projects

The workshop is free. However it requires the application be filled. Only selected participants will be provided the online link.
This event can be attended only via Zoom (you will receive a link after you register).

==Application Process
Applicants should fill in the Online Application Form before the deadline

15 April 2020


18 April and 23 May. You will need to be present for both the days of the workshop. 
About the Trainers

The School of Public Life is a community-based training, research and development center that develops democratic culture in Hungary by improving the citizenship skills of people living in social exclusion, supporting social movements and groups that fight for social justice, pursuing participatory and community-based research about social exclusion and democracy, and supporting the active public participation of disadvantaged individuals.

Tessza Udvarhelyi is the co-founder of the School of Public Life. She studied Cultural Anthropology at Eötvös Loránd University, then she completed her PhD at the City University of New York. She has been involved in several participatory action research project with various communities. She is also the co-founder of the City is for All grassroots housing advocacy group.

Zóra Molnár works for the School of Public Life as the participatory action research coordination. She studied Social Psychology at Eötvös Loránd University and earned a Master of Public Administration degree at the Central European University. Previously she has worked as the community organizer of a grassroots disability advocacy group called Living Independently in a Community