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Interactive Online Workshop- Draw politically: Artistic production, migration and community work with Petja Dimitrova

Exhibition at a community salon in Vienna
Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Join us for an interactive webinar session with Vienna based artist, Petja Dimitrova. 

Draw Politically — an interactive lecture introducing visual artist Petja Dimitrova and her artistic practice merging fine arts, political, and participatory cultural work. She will present case studies of her projects focusing on issues of migration, agency, fight for political rights, representation, re-writing of history, solidarity, and anti-racism by and with the black communities in Vienna. 

— How do we reduce hierarchies and traditional social power relations when managing and participating in collective creative processes?

The lecture seeks to reflect on these and similar questions and opens the floor to participants to share their experiences and thoughts about ‘artistic activism’ around the world.

Petja Dimitrova teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. From 2011-2014, she handled the artistic direction of the festival WIENWOCHE (together with Can Gülcü and Radostina Patulova). From 2005-2014 was a board member of IG Bildende Kunst (Artists’ Union) and a member of "Netzwerk Kritische Migrationsforschung und Grenzregime" (Network for Critical Border And Migration Regime Research). Petja is an associate editor of the following books: "Migrationsskizzen: Postkoloniale Verstrickungen, antirassistische Baustellen" (“Sketches of migration: postcolonial enmeshment, antiracist construction work") and “Regime: Wie Dominanz organisiert und Ausdruck formalisiert wird” ("Regime. How Dominance is Organised and Expression Formalised"). She is also a member of the Initiative 1st March – Transnational Migrant Strike Day, among other numerous exhibitions, publications, and discussions etc.

The event is free and Zoom link to the event will be shared with registered participants. .

For participation, please register here.