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Was there an Ottoman 'Age of Confessionalization'?: Insights gained from the OTTOCONFESSION project (2015-2020)

Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 12:40 pm – 1:30 pm

In this informal talk, which is conceptualized as an update on ongoing research, Tijana Krstic will outline the major research questions with which they started their work on the OTTOCONFESSION project five years ago and summarize the most important insights and conclusions they have reached so far. The talk will also briefly introduce the new and planned project publications and reflect on further desiderata in the research on early modern Ottoman religious and intellectual history.

This presentation is a part of a new series of events – the CEMS Research Seminar – which will be informal, lunchtime gatherings at which CEMS members present their current or recent research in a friendly, low-stakes environment. The presentations will be brief (15-20mins) and ample time will be left for discussion. The idea is to become more familiar with one another’s research and encourage conversations within CEMS. In this way, we hope to strengthen the internal community and benefit from the excellent scholarship in which our colleagues are engaged. 

For joining the seminar on Zoom, please click here.