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Academic exchange in the cultural cold war, 1956-1989

Nikita Khrushchev
Tuesday, October 20, 2020, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Our next Research Seminar is coming up this Tuesday. Research fellow Matthias Duller will provide insights into his current work on the topic: Academic exchange in the cultural cold war, 1956-1989


In the mid-1950s, several US-American initiatives promoted the exchange of academics from East European socialist countries with the West. Particularly targeting social scientists and scholars from the humanities and arts, the American architects of these programs thought that extended research experience in the US and other Western countries would instigate anti-Communist tendencies among the East European intellectuals. My project tries to answer the question if it worked. In this seminar, I will present first results from my archival studies in the Ford Foundation archives and a few other sources that motivated the study and discuss research strategies to assess the different effects of the exchange programs in East-Central and Southeast Europe.


Matthias Duller is a recipient of an APART-GSK Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in the Department of History at Central European University (2020-2024). He received his PhD in sociology from the University of Graz and an MA in Southeast European history from Graz and Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. Prior to his current position, he has taught and researched in the department of sociology at the University of Graz (2012-2020) and held fellowships at the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (2018), the Institute for Advanced Study at CEU in Budapest (2018-19), and the Institute for Advanced Study on Science, Technology and Society in Graz (2019-2020).

If you are interested, please request Zoom access information from Tijana Rupcic: