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Childhood Inequality in the Aftermath of the First World War & the Effects of Foreign Intervention: Vienna 1919-1922

Budapest campus
Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 11:00 am – 10:00 pm

Although Vienna did not directly experience wartime hostilities, it was, as Maureen Healy writes, ‘a city under siege’ from the first days of the First World War. As the Austro-Hungarian Empire began to unravel, the spectre of civilian hunger appeared in Vienna. Food insecurity increased in the city for a variety of reasons. In the midst of wide-spread hunger, the University of Vienna’s Children’s Clinic and Hospital became inundated with new patients suffering from a variety of ailments associated with malnutrition. Unfortunately, hunger did not immediately cease with the succession of hostilities. This paper explores the impact that reduced food supplies due the First World War and Franco-British blockade had on the health of civilians in Vienna, as well as the nutritional impact on the city once the blockade was lifted and food aid arrived.