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National Theater (the novel)

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Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

As playwright and as a woman working in the literary field, I have been very often confronted with a male-centric and a prose-centric viewpoint which states that  dramatic texts do not define a ‘proper’ literary form, but  serve purely as a means for subsequent staging and performance. By including other authors in my process of researching and writing  National Theater (the novel), in my talk, I intend to subvert and subtly de-canonize the male and the ‘proper’ literary form of the novel and subvert my own ego in terms of authorship. The artists Zrinka Užbinec (Giessen/Zagreb) and Ida Daniel (Giessen/Sofia) will co-read our joint literary and performative project Letters to the Imaginary Institutions, parts of which will also constitute paragraphs or shorter chapters of my debut novel in process National Theater (the novel).