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Doing Things with Games and Play

The "Horror Vacui" game
Tuesday, November 24, 2020, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

with Viktor Bedő

This playful lecture discusses some of the things games can do with us and what we can do with games. Focusing on games and play in urban spaces, the lecture critically investigates practices of using game design in design research, using gamification as means of persuasion or serious games as a means of social critique. It touches on theories of the magic circle and its permeability, implicit and explicit rules of the game and procedural rhetoric. Participants will also take part in a lightweight mixed reality game with players at their desks and on the street. The session aims at encouraging the discussion about games and play in urban life and beyond.

Viktor Bedő is a London and Berlin-based thinker, designer and consultant. He creates strange and playful tools that help us better understand cities and speculate about their futures. He is a researcher at the Critical Media Lab Basel, and a visiting research fellow at the Centre for Urban and Community Research at Goldsmiths, University of London. He was a founding member of the games collective Invisible Playground and founded Tacit Dimension, the independent research lab for street games.

If you wish to participate, please register by filling out the form here.