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Let’s co-create a compelling story of a better normal

Let’s co-create a compelling story of a better normal
Thursday, January 21, 2021, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Storytelling is a human thing. We are born into a world full of stories. We listen to them, we learn from them, we create them, and we have the power to change them.

The story told is one of the most powerful catalysts of transformation. One story can transform the psychology of a whole nation. We have witnessed this for the better or worse throughout human history. It is also one of the most potent leadership practices. A new paradigm leader is the one creating a foundation for a better story to unfold.

With the new decade and year just starting, we have a chance to (re)imagine a better reality. In this ONLINE INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP ON STORYTELLING, we will engage in co-creating a narrative of the story we wish to unfold as our collective better normal. We will dive into the learnings of pandemic disruption and re-imagine the shift that we wish to happen. The story that we’ll co-create as a group will serve as an inspiration to all participants and hopefully, inspire others too. The process will be supported by Points of You® methodology, using photography as a door-opener to expand perspective in a surprising way.
Reserve your attendance today(Zoom access codes will be sent to registrants via email.)