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CEU Film Club: The Accused - screening and discussion

Film Screening
The Accused
Thursday, February 11, 2021, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

CEU Film Club – every Thursday, @6 pm  

Culture Hub and HRSI is launching a new Film Club series to examine contemporary world challenges and phenomena through the lens of unique recent documentaries and feature films. We will invite film directors and relevant experts – both from and outside the university community – to guide us through the discussions following the screenings. 

Both the screening and discussion will happen online – until the further change, when we will be able to host the Film Club at a “real place”, preferably a local - Viennese - community cinema.  



(Pakistan, UK, USA, 2020, 77’) 

Director: Mohammed Naqvi 

At a time when political elections are again being won with hate-speech and propaganda, the Pakistani journalist and former CPH:DOX winner Mohamed Naqvi ('Among the Believers', 2015) returns with a frightening insider report from his homeland, where politics and religion are getting increasingly intertwined. 

Here, the religious leader Khadim Hussain Rizvi has a mission to win the election by exploiting the country's strict blasphemy laws and widespread capital punishment, and with millions of fanatical followers backing him. But when a young woman on death row becomes a symbol of resistance, the toxic campaign falters. The country's Christian minorities are already being persecuted, but when the young Asia Bibi is sentenced to death on an unproved charge of blasphemy in a conversation with a colleague, it arouses infuriated international protest. The question is whether the opposition can reverse the mood that has been stirred up among the people – and how. Mohamed Naqvi's access to Pakistan's political culture makes 'The Accused' an investigative journalistic film of the rarer and more urgent kind. 

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