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Sonic traces and augmented reality audio stories

Thursday, February 11, 2021, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Let’s talk about Augmented Reality - or let’s say Augmented AUDIO Reality. My presentation shall give people a hands-on approach on immersive 3D audio landscapes for AR audio applications, demonstrated with our AR Audio App SONIC TRACES. Furthermore, I will talk about, and explain the technical possibilities that are out there - like Unity, Wise, binaural  decoders, spatializers... But I will not limit my workshop to technical stuff. How do you guide your audience? You always have to deal with all kinds of user interaction as there is no given 'path', only a 'free to explore' mode - very similar to game audio. But, different to game audio, you deal with a very unexperienced audience.  After the workshop attendees will be able to evaluate AR audio apps and furthermore be aware of the necessities of good immersive audio storytelling.