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CEU Romani Studies Program Online Alumni Event and Screening of "Letter of Forgiveness" with Alina Serban

Social Event
Letter of Forgiveness (2020, 15')
Friday, March 5, 2021, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Free and online event for all RSP, RAP, RELP, and RGPP alumni, current students, RGPP applicants, and RSP friends

Join the first CEU - RSP Alumni event of the year, meet old friends, revisit memories, and watch with us Alina Serban's powerful work, Letter of Forgiveness (2020, 15').

Event Agenda:

  • 6.00 pm - 6.30 pm Welcome RSP Community - "Where are YOU now?"
  • 6.30 pm - 6.45 pm Letter of Forgiveness (2020, 15') Screening
  • 6.50 pm - 7.10 pm Q+A with Alina Serban, Letter of Forgiveness Director
  • 7.10 pm - 7.30 pm "Where are WE going?"

This event honors the forgotten memories of the Romanian and Moldovan Roma communities and celebrates the strengths that each and every RSP alumni, student, and Roma individual shows in pursuing their dreams - be it education, business, or activism - amidst various challenges.

The event is free and takes place online, but requires registration.

Register here.  Registration is open until March 5, 6.30 pm (CET).

The event will be held via Zoom - You will receive the link after registration.

Letter of Forgiveness (2020, 15') 

Director: Alina Serban

In the household of a wealthy Romanian noblewoman in 1855, Maria, a Roma-Gypsy slave, fights to obtain freedom for her son Dinca. Based on a true story of a Roma mother and son whose life changed the course of Romanian history by bringing about the abolition of slavery sooner.

The Roma were enslaved for five centuries in Wallachia and Moldova. Although February 20, 2021 marked the 165th anniversary of their emancipation, public recognition of their loss, suffering, and trauma remains limited.


Promotional Video