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Teaching Distracted Minds: Old Challenges, New Contexts - CEU Faculty event

James M. Lang
Thursday, March 25, 2021, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Open to CEU Faculty

Concerns about distracted students have intensified during the pandemic, but our real focus should be on how we help students achieve attention. This keynote draws upon scholarship from history, neuroscience, and education in order to argue that distractions are endemic to the human condition and can’t be walled out of the physical classroom or online course. Instead, we should focus on creating educational experiences that cultivate and sustain attention. Attendees will learn about a variety of potential pathways to developing such experiences for their students.

James M. Lang, Professor of English and Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts, is the author of six books and more than a hundred reviews or essays on topics ranging from higher education to British literature.  Lang is familiar to academic audiences internationally through his monthly column in the Chronicle of Higher Education and his books on higher education, the most recent of which are Distracted: Why Students Can’t Focus and What You Can Do About It (Basic Books, 2020), Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning (Jossey-Bass, 2016) and Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty (Harvard University Press, 2013), and On Course: A Week-by-Week Guide to Your First Semester of College Teaching (Harvard UP, 2008).

Please click on RSVP to register. Zoom link will be sent to registered participants. Registration is open until March 25, 11:00 AM