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Mixing Patterns in Social Networks and Their Impact on Minorities

Fariba Karimi
Monday, March 29, 2021, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Please register for this event under the link provided on the right. We will send the link to registered attendees 1 hour before the talk starts. Please note that registration closes at 1:00pm CEST on March 29, 2021.

ABSTRACT / Does homophily help or hinder minorities' visibility and position? How do minorities mix with majorities in online and face-to-face networks, and what societal and algorithmic consequences do these mixing patterns have on their visibility? These are the questions that I plan to address in this talk drawn from my recent and ongoing research.

BIO / Fariba is leading a computational social science group at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna and soon she will be joining CEU DNDS as an assistant professor. She is interested in applying methods from network science and computational modeling to address societal issues that affect underrepresented groups.