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Human Agency in Migration: The Impact of Migration on Social and Cultural Identity (Case Study Georgian Migrants after the Collapse of USSR)

A sheet on a fence with the words "We need our rights" written on it. Behind the fence a police car
Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, economic difficulties, political turmoil and violent conflicts have led to the highest levels of out-migration from Georgia. During the first years of the Georgian independence, labor migration from Georgia consisted predominantly of males and was directed towards Russia. A decade later, female labor emigration from Georgia started to increase, indicating the demand for domestic jobs at the global market. Accordingly to the recent studies, the most interesting countries are EU countries, Turkey and North America.

The research  is based on a quantitative and qualitative research, conducted with labor migrants from Georgia, living on the east coast of the US, describing migrant’s life in a new social environment and illustrating the changes of their lifestyle underwent in several important areas, such as: the family structure and family relationships; the level of integration and their social life; agency and identity.

Zoom link: here.

*Medo Badashvili is an Associate Professor at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences , Head of Master Program in Gender Studies