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"Ask A Fundraiser" Open Hours with CEU's Fundraisers

Philanthropy Week 2021: "Ask A Fundraiser" Open Hours with CEU's Fundraisers
Monday, May 17, 2021, 3:00 pm – Friday, May 21, 2021, 12:30 pm

Do you…

  • Want to better understand the basics of fundraising?
  • Have a CEU project that needs funding and want to know where to start?
  • Know of a grant opportunity and need advice as you develop a proposal?
  • Want to learn more about how to build partnerships with businesses
  • Know someone who might be interested in becoming a donor?

Are you…

  • Wondering how to get scholarship support for your department?
  • Working on a program strategy and want to see where funding might fit?
  • Keen to draw donor attention to a project with potential for growth?

Click here to book a 20-minute online session with CEU’s fundraising experts!

"Ask A Fundraiser" 20-minute appointments with CEU's Fundraisers

Bring any fundraising/philanthropy-related question, no matter how big or small. Questions about CEU-specific initiatives, personal projects, or fundraising/philanthropy in general are welcome.

Questions? Contact us at