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Modelling the Spreading of the COVID-19 Pandemic at Different Spatio-Temporal Scales

Nicola Perra
Monday, May 17, 2021, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

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ABSTRACT / In the talk, I will provide an overview of different approaches I have applied to model the unfolding of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects. In doing so, I will discuss the insights obtained by studying the initial phases of the pandemic, the first wave, and the vaccine rollout in the USA, Europe as well as Latin America. I will also discuss the key role of non-pharmaceutical interventions.

BIO / Nicola Perra serves as Associate Professor in Network Science in Business School of Greenwich University in London and as Economic Graph Researcher at LinkedIn. His research focuses on human dynamics, dynamical processes on complex networks, data analytics, and mathematical/digital epidemiology.