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Otherworldly Factors: Real-Life Challenges Human Rights NGOs Face Today in Relation to Religion, Religious Minorities, and Freedom of Religion

Ifra Asad (Minority Right's Group Europe)
Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

In this presentation and discussion, Asad will introduce participants to the Minority Rights Group and its Freedom of Religion project, in the context of South Asia. She will take us through the funding processes that dictates what the project should look like, and present recent case studies that highlight the complexity of real-life challenges to addressing religion, religious minorities, freedom of religion in the region. There will be discussions throughout, as participants will be asked to weigh in with their perspectives on the complexities of the donor/CSO dynamic in regard to the execution of freedom of religion, and the relationships that determine which governments fund which NGOs and where – as it takes place in today’s political climate.

Ifra Asad is a graduate of the School of Public Policy at Central European University, where she studied Public Administration. Prior to this, she obtained an MA in Comparative Literature at SOAS, University of London. She now works at Minority Rights Group. Originally from Karachi, Pakistan, she is now based in Budapest, Hungary.


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