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Data Stories 2021: Data Visualization Exhibition and Meetup

Data Stories at CEU 8th Edition
Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm


Data Stories is an exhibition of research visualizations on social and behavioral topics, coming from both academia and industry. The eighth edition brings together students, faculty, and business representatives to share their work and tools for data analysis and visualization. This project aims to improve collaboration in academia and enhance communication between students and future employers. It also aims to generate an open dialogue on social knowledge, technological interests, and technical skills.

We welcome both static and interactive visualizations on topics including, but are not limited to:

  • Art
  • Environmental sciences
  • Social and behavioural sciences
  • Data visualization tools and techniques

Participating in Data Stories is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your most important findings, reveal a novel perspective on an old problem, connect dots that haven’t been connected before, or simply to learn something new about the world.

This year the event will be fully online.

Submit your contribution until MAY 16, 2021 at


Data Stories at CEU 2021 Exhibition Opening and Meetup will be streamed via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 977 8476 2181
Passcode: 096104

16:30 -16:40. Opening
16:40 -17:10: Jane Adams / Storywrangler: A journey in visualizing 100 billion tweets in 100 languages, and what it means for future research
17:10 - 17:25: Csaba Both, Mihály Minkó, Szilvia Maróthy / The Career of Nyugat and the Authors of the Periodical

17:25 - 17:55: Exhibition (The audience may virtually interact with the authors of visualizations. A link per contributor may be available.)

17:55-18:10: Yessica Herrera-Guzman / Ballet Creations Have a Persistent Gender Gap
18:10-18:40: Ryan Gallagher / Word Shift Graphs: A method for visualizing and explaining sentiment differences between texts
18:40-19:00: Closure

Find out more: 

Speakers' abstracts