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Does 'Open Society' Travel Beyond the West?

Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

This is the first in a 2021 Open Society Research Platform workshop series aiming to address the overarching question:

Does the idea(l) of open society travel beyond the West?

More specifically, the workshop contemplates the following questions:

  • Is ‘the’ open society a fundamentally Western idea?
  • Can there be an ‘international’ or ‘global open society’?
  • Is an attempt to spread the ideas and the values of open society globally a form of Western neo-colonialism?
  • Or can open society be a powerful conceptual tool in decolonial struggles?
  • Can the debate about open society pave the way towards a concept of decolonised, truly global universalism?

All are welcome! Please register here:…
