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COVID’s Impact on International Higher Education: A New Model Emerging? An OSUN Answer?

COVID Higher Education photo by Matyas SZABO
Thursday, May 27, 2021, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm


3 pm Vienna  l   9 am New York

Please register to the event at this link before 25 May.

The link to the online event will be sent to registered participants on 26 May.


OSUN warmly welcomes all who are interested to a special roundtable discussion that brings together university leaders from four continents, representing our network of over forty teaching institutions dedicated to building a new model of global higher education and to improving student access.

Participants will discuss the need to re-think traditional approaches to higher education and expanded access in view of the lessons learned from the COVID-19 crisis. We will explore the emerging means of internationalization and access as experienced by OSUN network institutions and the possibilities of bringing the positive aspects of new experiences to bear on institutional strategies, addressing the following questions:

  • Is there a new model of higher education emerging as a result of the COVID pandemic?
  • How is this new model impacting international cooperation (student mobility, faculty exchange, research cooperation)?
  • Will the residential model prevail, or will blended/hybrid teaching and learning become the “new normal”?


Angela Owusu Ansah (Provost, Ashesi University, Ghana)   
Raquel Bernal (Academic Vice Chancellor, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)
Erica Kaufman (Director, Institute for Writing and Thinking and Center for Liberal Arts and Sciences Pedagogy, Bard College, United States) 
Sabina Faiz Rashid (Dean, James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Bangladesh)  
Vanessa Scherrer (Vice President for International Affairs, Science Po, France) 


Jonathan Becker (Executive Vice President, Bard College) 
Liviu Matei (Provost, Central European University, Austria)