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Caelestia - Terrestria, Heavenly love - Earthly love - concert streaming

Tuesday, June 8, 2021, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Program :
Hildegard von Bingen, Perotinus, Bach, Rossi, Tornyai
Dufay, Landini, Gabrieli, Monteverdi, Frescobaldi

Performers :
Judit Rajk - contralto
László Kéringer - tenor
Tamás Zétényi - cello



We chose pieces from the past nearly thousand years, ranging from early polyphonic music to contemporary music, that, in some way, treat the topic of heavenly love and earthly love.

As accompanying illustration we opted for Bernini’s famous statue, Ecstasy of Saint Teresa of Ávila and Saint Teresa’s poem Heavenly love :

"I gave myself to Love Divine,
And lo! my lot so changed is
That my Beloved One is mine
And I at last am surely His.

When that sweet Huntsman from above
First wounded me and left me prone,
Into the very arms of Love
My stricken soul forthwith was thrown.
Since then my life's no more my own
And all my lot so changed is
That my Beloved One is mine
And I at last am surely His.

The dart wherewith He wounded me
Was all embarbèd round with love,
And thus my spirit came to be
One with its Maker, God above.
No love but this I need to prove:
My life to God surrender'd is
And my Beloved One is mine
And I at last am surely His."

E. Allison Peers’ translation

livestreamed as Premiere on CEU's Youtube channel: