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Doctoral Defense Josip Banić

Histriae tabula, 1525 by Pietro Coppo
Thursday, June 10, 2021, 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Venetian Istria in the Nascent Dominium (c. 1381 – c. 1470)

Examination Committee

Chair:                    László Kontler, CEU, Department of History

Members:              Gerhard Jaritz, CEU, Department of Medieval Studies (supervisor)

Gábor Klaniczay, CEU, Department of Medieval Studies

Robert Kurelić, University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula (present)

Marcell Sebők, CEU, Department of Medieval Studies

External Readers:  Nella Lonza, Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences (not present)

                              Darko Darovec, University of Maribor (not present)


The doctoral dissertation is available for inspection on the CEU e-learning site. Should you wish to access it and/or join the defense that will take place online, contact Csilla Dobos (
