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“Get Home Safe” - Art as Resistance, Education, and Liberation in Incarcerated Spaces

Marissa Gutierrez
Thursday, June 10, 2021, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

In this public lecture, Marissa Gutierrez-Vicario, George Soros Chair at SPP in the Spring Term offering a course titeled Imagining the Movement, will speak about her work with Art and Resistance Through Education (ARTE), a New York-based non-governmental organization that works to amplify the voices of young people for human rights change through the visual arts. ARTE works in public schools, with community organizations, and in carceral facilities. 

As part of ARTE’s work, the lecture will discuss the joys and challenges of delivering human rights education and arts-based curriculum inside of jail facilities, while simultaneously advocating for abolition as part of the mass incarceration movement within the United States. 

Also throughout the lecture, participants will learn about several individuals using art to bring attention to the abuses within the mass incarceration system, including formerly incarcerated artists who utilize art in order to share their lived experiences within the carceral system. 

Lastly, the public lecture will discuss how art has been a tool to shape public policy, to advocate for alternatives to incarceration and to provide an opportunity for the public to consider a world without incarceration.