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Can we create a federalist EU rule 4 press freedom?

Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 5:00 pm

Can Europe create a federalist safeguard for press freedom, such as the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America?

After welcoming words from Professor Dimitry Kochenov, lead researcher of the Rule of Law Workgroup at CEU Democracy Institute, András Arató (Klubrádió), Amy Brouilette (CMDS, CEU/DI; Ranking Digital Rights), John O'Sullivan (Danube Institute), Gábor Polyák (Mérték Media Monitor), Eva Simon (Civil Liberties Union for Europe) will respond (in three minutes, the length of a slam) to this initial question from European Slam Champion, Peter Molnar, then will have a round of short reflections.

In the second part, dŻiNn (Poland), Tomás Straka (Slovakia), Anatol Svahilec (Checz Republic), and Peter Molnar will perform their pieces on this topic, and in the third part, the slammers will ask their questions from the press freedom experts. The audience can raise questions in the chat room during the whole event.

The event will be streamed live here. If interested, please join the Facebook event as well.

Special thanks for the slamming statue of liberties, an original cover painting, to Daniel Gantner, and for the Underground Slam Academy logo to Peter Morvai